Identify the role and responsibilities of an emergency first aider
Describe how to minimise the risk of infection to self and others
Describe how to complete an incident report form
Identify the first aid equipment available and describe how it can be used safely
Know how to assess an incident
Describe how to conduct a scene survey
Describe how to make a primary survey of a casualty
Identify when and how to call for help
Manage an unresponsive casualty who is breathing normally
Demonstrate how to assess a casualty’s level of consciousness
Demonstrate how to open a casualty’s airway and check breathing
Demonstrate how to place an unconscious casualty into the recovery position that maintains an open airway and explain why it is important
Describe how to treat a casualty who is in seizure
Manage an unresponsive casualty who is not breathing normally
Demonstrate how to administer effective Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation using a manikin
Recognise and assist a casualty who is choking
Describe how to identify a casualty with a partially and completely blocked airway obstruction
Demonstrate how to treat a casualty who is choking
Manage a casualty who is wounded and bleeding
Demonstrate how to control severe external bleeding
Manage a casualty who is in shock
Describe signs and symptoms of shock
Demonstrate how to manage a casualty who is in shock
Understand how to manage a casualty with a minor injury
Describe how to manage a casualty with: Small cuts, grazes, bruises, minor burns, scalds, and small splinters
Conduct a secondary survey
Explain the importance of consent
Demonstrate a secondary survey including gathering Patient History and a physical assessment
Administer first aid to a casualty with injuries to bones, muscles and joints.
Describe how to recognise and manage common types of; - Fractures, Dislocations, Sprains and Strains
Administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected head, neck and back injuries.
Describe how to recognise and manage suspected; Concussion, Skull Fracture and Cerebral compression
Demonstrate how to manage a suspected spinal injury.
Administer First Aid to a casualty with suspected chest and abdominal injuries.
Describe how to recognise and manage a chest injury.
Describe how to recognise and manage an abdominal injury
Administer First Aid to a casualty with thermal injuries
Describe how to manage a burn and scold injury.
Describe how to manage an incident involving electricity.
Administer First Aid to a casualty with eye injuries.
Describe how to recognise and manage eye injuries.
Administer First Aid to a casualty with sudden poisoning
Describe how poisons enter the body.
Describe how to recognise and treat a casualty affected by common poisonous substances, including plants.
Identify sources of information that provide procedures for treating those affected by poisonous substances.
Administer First Aid to a casualty with anaphylactic shock.
Identify common triggers for anaphylaxis.
Recognise and manage a casualty suffering from anaphylactic shock.
Know how to provide First Aid to a casualty with suspected major illness.
Describe how to recognise and manage the signs and symptoms of major illnesses including; Heart Attack, Stroke, Epilepsy, Diabetes and Asthma
Know how to provide First Aid to casualty who is experiencing the effects of extreme heat and cold
Describe how to recognise and treat the effects of extreme cold occurring by participating in activities.
Describe how to recognise and treat the effects of extreme heat occurring by participating in activities